MT. VERNON – SSM Health in Southern Illinois has opened the application process for the summer VolunTeen program.

The program is an entry-level volunteer program for high school students ages 15+ who want to learn about different fields in healthcare and be exposed to the many opportunities that are offered.
Students will be assigned based on their preference to various areas within the hospital, both clinical and non-clinical, and assist team members in caring for patients.
Students will volunteer two to three days a week for 4-hour shifts during their summer break at the location that best fits the career interest indicated in their application.
VolunTeen participants have an opportunity from Rend Lake College to earn college credit and win one of two $500 scholarships through SSM Health. The program runs from June 2 through July 11, 2025.
Online applications must be completed by May 2, and can be found at
For more information or to get a paper copy application, contact SSM Health Human Resources 618- 899-1066.